Christophe GALUD was born and live in Paris. His father is an artistic director in a large advertising agency, and his mother is an amateur painter. He early on gravitated towards drawing and then photography from the age of twelve.

After studying philosophy and fine arts at university, he entered a photography school through a competitive exam. He subsequently pursued a career as a professional photographer, television director, and ultimately a author-performer. Concurrently, since 1985, he has been producing and exhibiting his works in various galleries. These include silver photographs, fracturations, happenings (live giant prints), installations, mobiles, screens, land-art, mail-art, colorization on black and white panoramic prints, calligraphy, and music.

His creations follow distinct and ever-evolving themes, playing with subjects, their treatments, and formats ranging from tiny to 4 X 3 meters. Since 2010, his work has primarily revolved around painting, whether figurative or abstract, with a very personal visual identity and color palette.

For him, painting symbolizes freedom and humor, a return to his first loves.